Mobile Application

Pirursiiniq Nunavimmi

Sharing platform (recipes and other) via a mobile application, facilitating the contribution of notions among elders. Used as part of the implementation of agricultural greenhouses in northern Quebec to educate (via schools) the new generations on the plants native to these regions, as well as some other common in today’s recipes.

Appwapp Mandate

  1. Review of the mock-ups to ensure their mobile compatibility
  2. Created wireframes and visuals for the administration application
  3. Developed the distributed architecture, facilitating offline transactions and transactional synchronization
  4. Development of the mobile application
  5. Development of the web management application (admin)
  6. Hosting of the solution


  1. The remote regions targeted for the use of the tool do not have ubiquitous cellular connectivity.
  2. Tool must be easy to use for older people (main content contributors), as well as young people (content consumers).
  3. Traditional social networks block types of cultural content (hunting, etc.) important to these peoples.